Kubernetes tutorials told me what to do, but always left me wondering:

  • why am I doing this?
  • what is happening?

I dug deeper, looked under the covers, and what I found has helped me better understand, describe and apply my kubernetes knowledge.

The jargon and magic may seem intimidating, but read on and we’ll break down the kubernetes API into simple, familiar building blocks.

Hello Kubernetes

kubernetes at its very simplest is a standard set of extensible APIs to start, track, and stop the execution of containers running on a set of computers.

All of your basic interactions with kubernetes do nothing more than send JSON with HTTP requests to these apis.

kubectl apply

kubectl apply provides a “declarative” method for managing kubernetes resources. Behind the scenes, it’s really just a convenience wrapper for simple HTTP Apis.

a resource is an http endpoint in the Kubernetes API that represents a collection of API “objects” of a certain type.

Let’s look at what happens when you call kubectl apply on this Deployment from the Hello Minikube tutorial.

# deployment.yaml
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
  name: hello-node
    app: hello-node
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-node
        app: hello-node
      - name: hello-node
        image: k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4

We’ll be adding --v=8 to let us see what requests it sends. This will enable tracing/debug logging.

$ kubectl --v=8 apply -f deployment.yaml
HTTP GET /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments/hello-node
Response HTTP 404 Not Found in 3 millisecondss
HTTP POST /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments?fieldManager=kubectl-client-side-apply
Request Body: {"apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "Deployment","metadata": {...}, "labels": { "app": "hello-node" }, "name": "hello-node", "namespace": "default" }, "spec": { "replicas": 1, "selector": { "matchLabels": { "app": "hello-node" }}, "template": { "metadata": { "labels": { "app": "hello-node" }}, "spec": { "containers": [ { "image": "k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4", "name": "hello-node" }]}}}}

Let’s review

Put more simply, with the help of kubectl apply we just:

  1. checked for an existing Deployment
  2. called POST .../deployments to create a new Deployment
  3. ???

Wait, what is a deployment?

In kubernetes usage, a Deployment is a resource that describes at least:

  • an identifier (name)
  • instructions for how to start a single container (template)
  • a number of containers to start (replicas)
  • rules to follow when updating the deployment.
    • for example, StrategyType: RollingUpdate (docs)

For an example, let’s look at the results of our command above:

$ kubectl get deployment hello-node -o wide
hello-node   1/1     1            1           10m   hello-node   k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4   app=hello-node

Looking at our deployment, we can see that it is named hello-world and has 1 running container, corresponding to the 1 replica requested when we created it.

Breaking down deployments

A lot has just happened in the background. We’ve used the api create a deployment, lets explore how controllers took that request and started the containers we wanted.

controllers are autonomous computer programs that leverage the kubernetes APIs to add custom behaviors to it. They might:

  • Add addional APIs
  • Handle new custom types
  • Send ☹️ in slack when things break

The posssibilities are truly endless

DeploymentController (code)

The DeploymentController is the software that provides/configures the deployment resource.

*If you want to learn more about how kubernetes does what I describe, just click the (code) links to be taken to the code that performs it!

The DeploymentController is the first stop our request takes on its way to becoming a container.

humankube-api-serverDeploymentControllersubscribe to deployment addnotify deployment addhandle new deploymentPOST .../replicasets/{name}HTTP 201 Createdloop[wait for notifications]

When the DeploymentController sees a new deployment, it creates a new ReplicaSet using the information from the template. (code)

ReplicaSetController (code)

The ReplicaSetController is the software responsible for providing and configuring the replicaset resource. (code) (startup code)

Once a new ReplicaSet is added, the ReplicaSetController is notified and creates a new Pod to run the containers

DeploymentControllerkube-api-serverReplicaSetControllersubscribe to replicaset addcreate ReplicaSetsuccessnotify replicaset addhandle new replicasetsPOST .../pods/{name}HTTP 201 Created

Scheduler (code)

The Scheduler has traditionally been a special controller in the kubernetes ecosystem, but now can be configured and replaced just like other controllers. It does not create any new resources. It is responsible for binding pods to individual servers, and It interacts with the kubernetes API in largely the same way as the other controllers.

Once a new Pod is created, the Scheduler is notified (code) and binds it to a Node during the next scheduler loop. (loop code) (bind code)

kube-api-serverSchedulerHostsubscribe to pod updatecheck for unbound podsPOST /pods/{name}/bindingbind pod to hostHTTP 200 OKloop[scheduler]pod updatedhandle added podstart pod workerPUT /pods/{name}/statusupdates status to runningHTTP 200 OKloop[kubelet]

Finally, the kubelet listens for updates to Pods that match its node name (code), starts the containers, and then updates the pods status to running (code)

the kubelet is the software that runs on each server (also called a Node) that starts, stops and monitors containers.

Putting it all together

kubectl create deployment is just one way to run software in kubernetes. The extenisble api allows any number of off-the-shelf or custom controllers to help you rapidly build and \terate on complex software. The power of kubernetes emerges from the interactions of these simple parts.

Web Sites/Databases/Game Servers/Resta APIs and more can all be managed by kubernetes as long as there is controller software to help orchestrate them.

But Dan…

What good is my Web Site/Database/Game Server…, if noone can access it!?

Stay tuned for a follow up post, we’ll break down kubernetes networking, explore cluster DNS and discuss how it can help make your software configuration more repeatable.